Not black tie white noise, unfortunately. Very sad to see the news of Mr Bowie’s departure from the mortal coil, but it happens to us…

Not black tie white noise, unfortunately. Very sad to see the news of Mr Bowie’s departure from the mortal coil, but it happens to us…
Look CC, a stick, a stick! (No Caitlin, it’s a leaf.)
Ok, ok, it’s a bit sticky sweet and cuddly, but I just had to post this one of the wee man snuggling up to the…
My nephew has been looking forward to having a visit from CC the dog, and we went down to the local playground yesterday. Unfortunately for…
The bathing season has officially started here in Sandvika, and despite the river being, well, cold as ice, the dog loves it. She’s been swimming…
As promised I managed not to post a picture of the baby today. The dog and I were out on the frozen fjord the other…
One of the big advantages of working for the company that employs me is that I get to borrow some of the best photo equipment.…
..of a lump of snow of all things. It’s been a great weekend with skiing in Norefjell and a visit from home. The cold has…
Good times in the snow with a wee nephew:)
I don’t usually post photos without any alterations, but there are no tricks here. The sky really was that dark, the sun coming in low…
Nothing like a good swim on a warm summer day, specially when you can shake off all over the guy with the camera…