Freeze lake, melt, freeze again, snow, then walk on…footprints
Tag: mosvannet
Orange trees
Unfortunately we live in a country where there are no oranges on the trees, but at least the trees can be orange in the morning…
The morning after
This morning on Mosvannet there was no-one around and a light snow had fallen. This ice-hockey puck was the only evidence of the game that…
View from the frozen lake
For once Mosvannet has frozen without any snow on it, and that means that the ice is perfect for skating. This evening there were lots…
The straggly armada
The ducklings are getting bigger, but they still hang around their mother for guidance. Having said that, she seems to be struggling a bit with…
Freshly bathed
All on my own
Evening mist
More of the evening mist. I had to go and get my camera cleaned today, someone (not me…honest) had got dust into it. See the…
The lightness of the mist
The cold weather spell continues…who would have guessed that I’d be wanting rain on the west coast of Norway? But there you are, we have…
New best friend
Never more fun than when you find a friend to play with in the snow.
Hotel at dusk
The Rica Forum hotel, taken from the middle of Mosvannet.
Little bastard
This kid was running around scaring all the birds for about 10 minutes. Where were the parents I hear you ask? I don’t know, but…