Tag: Alexander

From todays photoshoot
The last day of being able to borrow the amazing 50mm f/1.2 L USM, at least for now. The wee man did a spot of…

Testing a lens
Working for Canon certainly has its benefits. I got to borrow a 50mm f/1.2 L today and I’m going out tomorrow morning to have some…

Things to do on a rainy day
The weather has been atrocious today so what to do? I’ve toyed with the idea of trying to take some stylised baby photos like you…

Happy chappy
We’ve had a bit of a family weekend. Today we went for a nice walk through some backwoods here in Bærum, and the wee man…
Behind bars
We went for Alexanders 3 month check-up today and amazingly he’s grown even more! From 3.5kg at birth and 49cm, he’s now 7.51kg and 62cm.…

Some smiles on a Thursday
Alexander has been lent a really cool bouncy chair by auntie Anne-Grete and uncle Haakon. It plays music when he stamps on special footpads and…
The start of a new day
The old and the new
We were in Rollag last weekend visiting Alexander’s great grandparents. Olav is 89 and has worked as a farmer all his life, and his hands…
My god how time flies. He’s two weeks old, and has grown by 2cm, gained almost a kilo, and is eating like it was going…
So, 2 days without a photo of the wee man, and the relatives are getting restless. Auntie was here and he seemed to like her…

Sleeping beauty
I keep telling myself that I have to stop bombarding the net with photos of the wee man. And then I take another photo that…