Tag: frost

First skiing of the year
I’m not a big fan of winter, but on days like these with the sun rising at 8am and fresh snow, Vestmarka is something special.

Frozen falls
You know it’s been cold when the little waterfall by the house has frozen solid. It’s been as low as -17 at night recently. To…

Pathway to orange
The light at this time of year is great – and the fun part about it being dark most of the day is that you…
View from the frozen lake
For once Mosvannet has frozen without any snow on it, and that means that the ice is perfect for skating. This evening there were lots…
Frosty leaf
Winter has arrived, and with it the coldest night in November for 37 years. -11,7 to be exact.
Ghost spiders
Waiting for the sun to hit
One of the rare sunny, cold mornings we get in this part of Norway. No party on Saturday night, so up at the crack of…
This rocks!
Smoking frost
You know it’s cold outside when the sea is smoking. Unbelievably there were surfers out there in dry-suits.