Tag: flowers


Pollination in practice

I’ve never really thought about how bees pollinate plants, but I was out in the garden the other day and managed to capture a bumblebee…


Loves me, loves me not

I’ve been away for a while. It’s been quite hectic here recently what with kids, work, family and house. Also, I’ve hit one of those…


European Wood Anemone

…or in Norwegian, Hvitveis. With the sun in front, the leaf system is clearly visible. They’re pretty at this time of year, but the plant…


Spring really has arrived. The snowdrops are the definitive proof:)

Pretty in pink

Last of spring flowers for a while, but these pink blooms were worth capturing:) I seem to have got a touch of spring lethargy today,…

More colours

So, with the “Brown” challenge laid down, I thought I’d go for some more colours today. Yellow and green are the colours of the day.…

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