Tag: sandvikselva

Waiting for the fish
The wee man and I took a walk along to Wøyen mølle today. The salmon have come up the river to spawn and are clearly…

Sharp focus
It’s been raining a lot here recently. The camera hasn’t really been out that much, but I’ve managed to get a few shots off. This…

After the rain
It’s been a strange few days. The mercury’s been hovering around the 24 degree mark, but it’s been absolutely chucking it down with rain. My…
Glowing grass
After a long day at work I had to get out this evening and catch the last rays of the sun as it set behind…
My world
It doesn’t really seem credible that beside one of the most heavily trafficked roads in Norway there are areas of real beauty. This is only…
Depth of field excercise
I was lucky enough to get to try a 24mm f/1.4 lens last week and the possibilities are endless. I took this crouching in the…